Engineer Protocols For COVID-19
PRIORITY – Engineers will only work if feeling well and will be vigilant when recognising symptoms of fever (high temperature) and a new, continuous cough. If they feel unwell, they will not come to work and follow the government guidelines on self-isolation. They MUST inform a senior manager immediately if they have developed any symptoms.
PREPARED – Engineers will use company supplied anti-bacterial spray and/or wipes to wipe down all surfaces and items before and after use e.g. door handles, keys and switches when onsite. Engineers will not share tools or pass them between themselves, where this is unavoidable tools should be sanitised and left at a safe distance to be picked up by another engineer.
EXTRA CARE – All engineers will regularly wash their hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds, where handwashing facilities are not available, they must use company supplied hand sanitiser. Engineers are advised to wear disposable gloves at every site. Barriers will be used where necessary to help ensure safe social distancing when in any areas that may be accessed by the general public or customers in order to remain 2 metres away.
AVOID CLOSE CONTACT – When dealing with customers on site, social distancing protocols will be followed, and engineers will be fully focused on completing the job safely and promptly. Face coverings will be worm where safe social distancing is not possible and engineers are advised to face away from other people if in close proximity. Stairs should be used in preference to lifts wherever possible.
HIGH STANDARDS – Upon completion of any works the area will be left clean and all used surfaces and items will be wiped down using company supplied antibacterial wipes or sanitising spray ready for handover.
JOB COMPLETION – Upon completion of any job the engineer will sign the completed works off on the customers behalf to indicate that it is complete. If a signature is required, we will ask the customer to sign a blank document and the engineer will take a picture which will be attached to the job sheet.
Should any engineer or customer express any concerns regarding COVID-19 protocols a senior manager must be notified immediately, and further risk assessments will be carried out.
Additional information for safe use of PPE, handwashing and safe practices can be found at
Further information on Coronavirus safe working practices can be found at
Support for wellbeing can be found at
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