ADC Is Awesome Lego Animation
A child’s imagination is fantastic!
It was a rainy weekend and the kids were stuck in the house, so we decided to get the Lego out. I am never going to say no to playing Lego with the big kid in me, everyone loves playing with the bricks.
We had an idea to create a little story for ADC on how we can fix a businesses doors and get them back up and running. With the mountain of Lego we have collected over the years we had enough to build a whole city. After numerous attempts and over 200 photographs, we came up with the video seen here.
It worked out really well, and best of all got them off their computers to create something imaginative on an awful rainy summer’s day.
The kids had a lot of fun, Dad too. Little marketeers in the making 😊
Let us know your thoughts on our little Lego animation video on our YouTube or TikTok channel.
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